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Seiko Matsuda Best Of Best 27 Rar
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File info
Artist & Title: Seiko Matsuda – Merry-go-round
Artist & Title (Org.): 松田聖子 – Merry-go-round
File Format: mp3
Archive: RAR
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Release Date: 2018.06.06
01. I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!.mp3
~ 11.54 MB
02. Merry-go-round.mp3
~ 8.98 MB
03. 両手広げ 空を仰ぎ.mp3
~ 9.71 MB
04. あなたを愛してるわ.mp3
~ 13.67 MB
05. 永遠の愛で 変わらない愛で.mp3
~ 12.00 MB
06. 恋をしたバレリーナ.mp3
~ 9.77 MB
07. 新しい明日.mp3
~ 11.82 MB
08. あの風の中で.mp3
~ 12.17 MB
09. もう泣かない.mp3

Seiko Matsuda Best Of Best 27 Rare
~ 10.61 MB
10. 風に吹かれてフワリ.mp3
~ 10.21 MB
Seiko Matsuda Age
Password: jpopsingles
Password: www.jpopsingles.com
Seiko Matsuda Songs
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Seiko Matsuda Best Of Best 27 Rar